Project Guidelines
- The research project involves identifying an object to be studied. The object should be tangible and a man-made or a manufactured product.
- The research process should respect all proprietary information, trade secrets of the product, as well as any information deemed confidential by a company.
The report should include the following:
- Cover sheet with the title of the paper; which identifies the object being researched; Student's full name, address, telephone number, email address, and high school affiliation.
- The research report should be submitted in hard copy or via email to the official Adkins Scholarship Foundation address.
The research project will be judged on the following criteria:
- Depth of research
- Thoroughness
- Organization
- Style
- Content
- Use of figures, tables, pictures, or other visual aids
- References
The original research project should be submitted to the physical address below or via email at
The James L. and Rosita S. Adkins Foundation
East West Business Center
744 N. Marine Corp. Drive, Suite 115
Upper Tumon, GU 96913 - Research projects are due on or before midnight on April 8, 2017.
- The Top 10 finalists will be announced on April 22, 2017 via posting to The Top 3 finalists (based on the judges' blind scoring) will be invited to continue on to the Oral Presentation round which will coincide with the awards banquet. *The Top 7 candidates will receive a $100 participation prize.
- The results of the oral presentation will be announced at the conclusion of the banquet on May 6, 2017. Time and location TBC.
Terms and conditions of Award:
- Award(s) will be made with the understanding that the Foundation assumes no obligation or commitment to provide additional support to the applicant.
- All projects turned in will become the property of the foundation and will not be returned to the recipient.
- A portion of the award will be given directly to the student (in their name only) and a portion will be sent directly to the US Accredited higher learning institution where they are enrolled.
- The decision of the judges shall be final and incontestable.
Research Project Deadline
Scholarship Applications Due By: February 28, 2017.
Final Research Projects Due By: April 8, 2017.